Assembly QA Part 3 BETA Steps: Difference between revisions

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mNo edit summary
Line 72: Line 72:
cut -d'.' -f2 redmine.manPen1.table.list > cleanTableList
cut -d'.' -f2 redmine.manPen1.table.list > cleanTableList

'''Step 4.''' Remove tables from the list that start with trackDb or hgFindSpec:
====<span style="color:dodgerblue">Beta: Remove certain tables from cleanTableList====
Remove tables from the list that start with trackDb or hgFindSpec:

sed -i.bak '/trackDb/d' cleanTableList
sed -i.bak '/trackDb/d' cleanTableList
Line 80: Line 83:
You'll be using this cleanTableList when doing your push.
You'll be using this cleanTableList when doing your push.

====<span style="color:dodgerblue">Beta: Review special case for 'seq' and 'extFile' tables====
====<span style="color:dodgerblue">Beta: Remove 'seq' and 'extFile' tables====

* Do not push seq or extFile tables from dev to beta. You must use the copyExtSeqRows.csh script to move only the rows needed. More information can be found [[Conservation_Track_QA#Figure_out_extFile_and_seq_tables|here]].
Follow the steps above to remove seq or extFile tables from cleanTableList. Do not push seq or extFile tables from dev to beta.  
You must use the copyExtSeqRows.csh script to move only the rows needed.  
More information can be found [[Conservation_Track_QA#Figure_out_extFile_and_seq_tables|here]].

====<span style="color:dodgerblue">Beta: Push all tables to beta====
====<span style="color:dodgerblue">Beta: Push all tables to beta====

Push all tables ''(EXCEPT seq and extFile tables, see note below)'' from hgwdev to hgwbeta:
Push all tables (EXCEPT seq, extFile, hgFindSpec and trackDb tables)'' from hgwdev to hgwbeta:
In the step above, you should have removed tables for "hgFindSpec" and "trackDb".
This command will push one table from dev to beta for your database/assembly:

   sudo mypush $db $table mysqlbeta
   sudo mypush $db $table mysqlbeta

or in a loop:
Or, push them all in a loop:

for table in $(cat cleanTableList); do sudo mypush manPen1 $tbl mysqlbeta; done
for table in $(cat cleanTableList); do sudo mypush manPen1 $tbl mysqlbeta; done

Revision as of 00:13, 15 April 2017

This page is currently a draft in progress. For now, use Releasing an assembly instead.

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Home Page
Assembly QA Part 1: DEV Steps
Assembly QA Part 2: Track Steps
Assembly QA Part 3: BETA Steps
Assembly QA Part 4: RR Steps
Assembly QA Part 5: Post Release Steps


Tracks: Populate spreadsheet steps

  • We need to create a checklist for your beta steps.
  • You can add a new tab to track beta steps, or you can pick up where you left off on the same tab as your "dev" steps.
To populate the "wiki link" for each step, add this formula to cell A2 (or the row after your last "dev" step) in your new "track checklist" spreadsheet and drag the formula down:
A2 (or the row after your last "dev" step)
=HYPERLINK(""&SUBSTITUTE(B2," ", "_"),"link")
IMPORTANT: Drag the formula for "A" down the spreadsheet to populate the other rows.
To populate the "track checklist steps," add this formula to cell B2 ((or the row after your last "dev" step) in your new "track checklist" spreadsheet. Do NOT drag the formula down.
=IMPORTXML("", "/html/body/div/div/div/div/div/h4/span/span")

This formula will populate all the rows below it with the wiki section titles. You do no need to drag this formula down.

Beta: Check for Ensembl tracks

Before pushing Ensembl tracks to beta, review the Ensembl wiki page and the Ensembl_QA script.

Beta: Make clean table list

Step 1. Verify table list location In Redmine for your assembly, look at the field, "Table List." The engineer should have provided a path to redmine.$db.table.list E.g., /hive/data/genomes/manPen1/redmine5515/redmine.manPen1.table.list

Your file contents should be something like this:

head redmine.manPen1.table.list

"'Step 2. Copy table list to your hive dir From hive, copy the file list to your assembly dir:

cp /hive/data/genomes/manPen1/redmine5515/redmine.manPen1.table.list .

Step 3. Make a clean file containing only the file names cut -d'.' -f2 redmine.manPen1.table.list > cleanTableList

Beta: Remove certain tables from cleanTableList

Remove tables from the list that start with trackDb or hgFindSpec:

sed -i.bak '/trackDb/d' cleanTableList

sed -i.bak '/hgFindSpec/d' cleanTableList

You'll be using this cleanTableList when doing your push.

Beta: Remove 'seq' and 'extFile' tables

Follow the steps above to remove seq or extFile tables from cleanTableList. Do not push seq or extFile tables from dev to beta.

You must use the copyExtSeqRows.csh script to move only the rows needed.

More information can be found here.

Beta: Push all tables to beta

Push all tables (EXCEPT seq, extFile, hgFindSpec and trackDb tables) from hgwdev to hgwbeta:

This command will push one table from dev to beta for your database/assembly:

 sudo mypush $db $table mysqlbeta

Or, push them all in a loop:

for table in $(cat cleanTableList); do sudo mypush manPen1 $tbl mysqlbeta; done

Beta: Do a 'make beta' in trackDb for your assembly

Do make beta on hgwdev in kent/src/hg/makeDb/trackDb like so:

 make beta DBS=$db

Example to make beta on more than one db at a time:

 make beta DBS='$db1 $db2 $db3 $db4 etc'

Running multiple dbs in parallel to save time

Multiple assemblies can be run in parallel by using the make -j option (as of 2/10/17, thanks to Mark Diekhans). Updating all dev dbs used to take about 50 minutes, and now it can take about 5 minutes (at 16 in parallel). While Mark has safely run 16 dbs at a time on dev, it is recommended to only run 8 or less at a time on beta or the RR. Use make -j # beta and make -j # public, where the number (make -j 16 alpha) represents how many parallel processes (16) are running.

For example, if you do:
  make -j 8 alpha
it updates everything, 8 at a time. If you do:
  make -j 2 DBS="hg19 hg38 mm10 felCat5"
it updates those 4 databases, 2 at a time .
Note: the 'make in parallel' process creates and removes temporary files:
The tmp dirs are found with:
   char *getTempDir(void);
   /* get temporary directory to use for programs.  This first checks TMPDIR environment
    * variable, then /data/tmp, /scratch/tmp, /var/tmp, /tmp.  Return is static and
    * only set of first call */


 make beta -j 4 DBS="dm6 ce11 sacCer3 droEre1 droSec1 droSim1 droYak2 droAna2 dp3 droMoj2 droVir2 droGri1 droPer1"
 make public -j 4 DBS="dm6 ce11 sacCer3 droEre1 droSec1 droSim1 droYak2 droAna2 dp3 droMoj2 droVir2 droGri1 droPer1"

Beta: Do a 'make public' in trackDb for your assembly

Make your track public by using the "make public" command on hgwdev while in the trackDb directory (src/hg/makeDb/trackDb):

   [user@hgwdev trackDb]$ make public DBS=$db

Example to make beta on more than one db at a time:

 make beta DBS='$db1 $db2 $db3 $db4 etc'

Your track should now be visible on the hgwbeta-public server.

If your track is not visible, you may want to check that your track has the correct release tag. Also see [Three State TrackDb] for more information.

Beta: Do a 'make beta' in trackDb for chain/net organisms

If your assembly has alignments to other organisms, such as chain/net alignments to hg38 or to the previous assembly version of your organism, be sure to also do a 'make beta' for those assemblies.

See details in above section

Beta: Do a 'make public' in trackDb for chain/net organisms

If your assembly has alignments to other organisms, such as chain/net alignments to hg38 or to the previous assembly version of your organism, be sure to also do a 'make public' for those assemblies.

See details in above section


Request a push of any listed supporting files in /gbdb from hgwdev to hgnfs1 and check on hgwbeta. Note that hgwbeta and the RR share the files on hgnfs1, so once these files are in place, there is not another push required when the track is released to the RR. Be sure to send a push request to have the gbdb files pushed to hgdownload in advance of the usual Sunday sync, if this is necessary for your track.

If there are images associated with any track description pages, be sure to run a make beta from within kent/src/hg/htdocs/ to get the images to beta.

Tracks: Remove release tag for big*/vcf track types

Once you verify that the track looks good on hgwbeta, remove the release tag from trackDb.ra.

Tracks: Remove release tag for big*/vcf track types

Once you verify that the track looks good on hgwbeta, remove the release tag from trackDb.ra.

🔵 Done with BETA steps? Go to Assembly QA Part 4: RR Steps