Assembly QA Part 4 RR Steps

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This page is currently a draft in progress. For now, use Releasing an assembly instead.

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Assembly QA Part 1: DEV Steps
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Assembly QA Part 4: RR Steps
Assembly QA Part 5: Post Release Steps

Tracks: Push Request

When the track is ready to be released, ask admins (push-request at soe) for a push of the tables (including trackDb_public and hgFindSpec_public, if needed) from mysqlbeta to mysqlrr. Push any associated downloads. Push any associated static docs, including images. Notify (cc:) the track sponsor on the push request.

If the track already exists on the RR you may need to selectively push the tables/trackDb. Refer to Replacing old tables with new ones for more information.

If this is a repush of existing data that was found to be problematic, add a note to repush.html. The file to edit is in the genecats tree, at genecats/qa/repush.html. (This doesn't happen very often.)

If the push involves pushing a database please inform admin to include genome-euro (their scripts are not expecting databases) and check on genome-euro after the final release.

Tracks: Validate on the RR

Check your track on the RR. Check that searches work (if not, you probably need to push the hgFindSpec_public table). Also check that all default tracks still display. If you filled in the "Release Log URL" field in the push queue, check the next day to be sure that the link from the release log works as expected.

Tracks: Push Downloads

If there are files associated with the track that are to be pushed to hgdownload, check to see that there is a README that makes sense and the files have an md5sum.txt file that goes with them and is correct. Check the file itself to make sure it is not corrupted and that it contains what is expected. If it is a gzipped file, you can do "zcat file.gz | head" and "zcat file.gz | tail" to look at it. Looking at the last part of the file can sometimes catch corruption that can't be seen by only looking at the first part.

Data files destined for hgdownload are organized on hgwdev at:


and can be viewed in a browser from Non-data files (such as downloads.html) are in the "hgdownload" git repository. See the Static_Page_Protocol for instructions on checking out that repository. Push requests for downloads should look like something like this:

Please push files from here on hgwdev:
To here on hgdownload:
(in the path, "htdocs-hgdownload" should become "htdocs") 

Tracks: Edit downloads.html

Check to see if the downloads files ought to have a link from downloads.html. If so, add the link and push downloads.html (after the files are already pushed!). NOTE: If you are pushing ENCODE tracks, when using a second/third/fourth version of the data there is often a "releaseLatest" directory that has the latest files. Be sure that you are not pushing the entire releaseLatest directory, only the files from there. Be sure to add a helpful sentence in your push-request to tip off the admin about this unusual push.

🔵 Done with RR steps? Go to Assembly QA Part 5: Post Release Steps