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QA process for both GENCODE versions (hg19, mm10, mm39) and GENCODE knownGene (hg38, mm39)
This track is 'semi-otto'. That is to say, the original data comes standardized from GENCODE and then it is run through an almost entirely automatic script in order to create the Genome Browser tracks. For this reason, the QA will be expedited and reserved to only the following steps. All GENCODE tracks should be QA'd together.
- Make necessary trackDb edits - for GENCODE versions that means hiding previous track. Add the new/updated pennantIcon pointing to what will be the new news archive post
- Perform a sanity check on dev, this should be opening the track at a single loci against a similar gene model track to ensure nothing obvious is wrong. This should not be more than 5 minutes. For knownGene tracks: Click on an item and test out all of the hgGene linkouts, report any that are not working
- Push tables/data to hgwbeta
- Sanity check to make sure that all the correct tables/files were pushed and the track displays. Should be quick like the previous one. No need to re-check links on knownGene
- Push tables/data to RR
- Final sanity check on the RR, quick as all the others
- Draft news archive for all of the tracks together and announce
If any errors are encountered while performing these steps, bring it up to the track developer and have them include checks for the error in future builds of the track.