From Genecats
This is mostly a place holder while we develop more content. Here are some useful links...
The Basics
- Testing Ajax apps with Selenium using waitForCondition - note that waitForCondition is now part of Selenium core (not a plugin as this article mentions).
Element Locators
A common way to find elements on a page using Selenium is xPath, however, we should use CSS selectors when possible, as the tests run faster - especially in IE. Here's some info:
Selenium Resources
- The Official Selenium Blog
- Selenium Users Group (Google) - highly recommended, very active
- Selenium Wiki
- OpenQA Selenium Wiki
- SauceLabs Selenium Blogs Posts
- Selenium Examples blog - examples and tips for Selenium
- Selenium Conference
General Automated Testing Resources
- The Testing Blog
- Software Testing Best Practices blog
- Web application testing checklists: