
Summary: Main data files and backing data for the analysis identifying positively selected codons. This data and updates are available for download from here: Contact: Gregory Jordan

Pol_sel_score.bed - one region per Ensembl gene analyzed, with a score corresponding to the negative log of an overall p-value for positive selection at that gene based on mammalian alignments.^M Overall_dN_dS.bed - one region per Ensembl gene analyzed, with a score corresponding to the overall dN/dS at that gene based on mammalian alignments.^M Sites.bedGraph - one value per codon analyzed, with a score corresponding to the signed sitewise likelihood ratio statistic for non-neutral selection. V alues above zero indicate evidence for positive selection, values below zero ind icate evidence for negative selection. The statistic is approximately chi-square distributed when the data is neutrally evolving. The bedGraph file looks best when displayed on UCSC the following track parameters:^M ??type=bigWig^M ??lineMark=0^M ??lineOnOff=on^M ??autoScale=off^M ??viewLimits=-20:10^M??minLimit=-20^M ??maxLimit=10^M??visibility=full^M


There are three tracks in this set:


Contact: Gregory Jordan
