Ce10 Genome size statistics

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see also

statistics collected from UCSC 2bit files

  • The external link in the first column goes to the FTP location where the genome sequence was obtained
  • The external links from the UCSC database name go to the UCSC genome-test browser for that genome
  • N bases == unknown bases in the assembly marked by "N"
  • non-N bases == called bases in the assembly
  • total size == all bases in assembly, N and non-N
  • The % masked is masking from Repeat Masker or Window Masker plus TRF/Simple Repeats, whichever is greater, usually WindowMasker for these genomes
  • The common name external links go to information pages for this genome
  • The coverage numbers are taken directly from information README files from the sequencing center
  • The N50 size is calculated directly from the UCSC chrom.sizes file which is the size of the chromosomes as seen in the UCSC genome browser

do not edit, automatically generated table

ftp src
db name/
N base
% masked common name/
src info
coverage N50
01ce10 7 100,286,070100,286,070 0% 13.38 C. elegans30X 17493793
02cb4 13 108,434,085105,430,959 3,003,126% 36.52 C. briggsae10X 17485439
03caeRem4 3,670 145,442,736138,406,203 7,036,533% 30.48 C. remanei9.2X 435512
04caePb3 3,307 190,374,847170,097,428 20,277,419% 29.30 C. brenneri9.5X 381961
05caeJap4 7,552 163,161,801129,321,631 33,840,170% 44.50 C. japonica22X 90117
06caeSp71 52,546 196,410,749177,605,791 18,804,958% 31.53 C. sp. 7 ju128637.9X 73785
07caeSp91 7,636 204,396,809186,540,270 17,856,539% 31.67 C. sp. 9 ju142237.6X 196652
08caeSp111 665 79,321,43376,497,192 2,824,241% 29.15 C. sp. 11 ju137320.2X 20921866
09caeAng1 33,559 79,761,54575,258,781 4,502,764% 38.31 C. angaria170X 9453