Training new Browser Staff
From Genecats
(see also: Getting Started for Browser QA Engineers and Getting Started for Browser Dev Engineers)
- get a computer
- get a login
- get a redmine account
- email for UCSC and SOE
- subscribe/add to mail lists (QA)
- key card
- add your contact information to your .plan file
- copy .tcshrc and .bashrc from one of us (both are needed to run scripts)
- copy .hg.conf and .hg.conf.beta from someone, so you can run hgsql and scripts that use it.
- set up ssh authentication among dev, beta and your linux box
- check out a copy of the kent source tree
- take this [quiz] to get git commit access
- set up nightly cron to update kent source tree
- build your own sandbox
- get genomewiki access (Hiram/Vanessa)
- vi (vimtutorial) -- or other editor
- mysql
- git -- see [Working_with_Git] and [Getting_Started_With_Git]
- Open Helix tutorials
- ASHG hands-on tutorial
- Jorge's data flow PowerPoint presentation [Browsermap.pdf]
Training person-to-person (in rough chronological order)
- machine layout
- data flow
- using git: day to day commands, and git reports/pair review process
- make docs
- pushQ
- redmine
- trackDb.ra and trackDb table
- (for Q/A only) QAing a "normal" track (using the New_track_checklist)
- joinerCheck
- static docs
- makefiles
- /usr/local/apache vs. the git tree
- hgcentral