ENCODE QA Checklist
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Getting Started
- Check kent/src/hg/makeDb/doc/encodeDccHg18/*.txt to determine if/how the file diverges from reality.
- Make a list of all tables (new & updated that need to be pushed to beta)
- Run qaEncodeTracks.csh and check output
- Do bigPush.csh using list created above
- Remove "release alpha" lines from subtracks in trackDb.wgEncode.ra
- Push any new .wib or .bb files from hgwdev to hgnfs1 if applicable
Description Page
- Read description page
- Make sure there is a link to the help doc (in the config section)
- Check that there is metadata by clicking on the "..." link in the tables list
- Is description page detailed enough?
- Is description page are the citations in correct format?
- Does the "Display Conventions and Configuration" section cover all track types?
- Test all hyper-links on description page.
- Test configuration section
- Test multi-view matrix
- Test "reset to defaults" button
- Make sure there's a link to the ENCODE Data Release Policy
Other things to check
- Run genePredCheck/pslCheck if applicable. (i.e. if your track is a gene prediction track)
- Release log: Check to be sure the release log entry is right.
- Make sure the tracks in the Tier1 and Tier2 Cell Lines are properly colored (no black, and all tracks from one Cell Line have the same color).
- Make sure your track is listed on the downloads page - (push from hgwdev -> hgwbeta, RR) /usr/local/apache/htdocs/ENCODE/downloads.html
- make sure there is a preamble.html file in the /releaseN directory
- index.html
- For releaseN: run the encodeDownloadsPage.pl script directly in the /releaseN directory to generate a new index.html page
- Make sure this file is executable (because of the way the links are created)
- Preamble should include brief description and link to the trackUi
- should include a link to the files.txt and md5sum.txt files
- For releaseN: should also include the release number at end of description
- should contain the name of each file being released
Pushing Files
- Push gbdb Files: hgwdev -> hgnfs1 (i.e. /gbdb/hg18/wib/wgEncode*.wib)
- Push other Files: hgwdev -> hgwbeta & RR (i.e. /usr/local/apache/htdocs-hgdownload/ENCODE/protocols/cell/*.pdf)
- Push download Files: hgwdev -> hgdownload (i.e. /usr/local/apache/htdocs-hgdownload/goldenPath/hg18/encodeDCC/wgEncode*/*) (Note: no releaseN directory on hgdownload)
- After Pushing Files: check push with: checkPushedFiles.csh
Testing in the Browser
- Test one point from table to view in GB
- Zoom into base level (at different visibilities)
- Zoom way out 1million bps (at different visibilities)
- Searching: should items be searchable?
- default visibility: should this track be on by default?
- Check URL in Release Log (should go to track description page)
- Check for lab contact (sanitize email addresses using encodeEmail.pl script)
- Does the first 'Signal' subtrack pass the chr1 test (chr1 loads in less than one minute)
- Do all views for one experiment pass chr1 test (e.g. Pol2 in GM12878 cells)?
- Test the performance in a gene-size region of the track with just the default-on subtracks
Releasing to RR
- Check the trackDb diffs to see if there is any reason that <db>.trackDb can't go out today
- If you determine that it's OK to push <db>.trackDb, then write to browser-qa "hands off <db>.trackDb"
- Check release log field in PushQ...needs to start with ENCODE
- Push track tables from hgwbeta -> mysqlrr (not trackDb yet)
- Drop tables from hgwbeta that need to be removed (being replaced by V2 tables)
- Clean up trackDb (remove blocks for the dropped tables - currently marked release beta)
- Make strict for <db> on hgwbeta and check to make sure tracks look like you expect them to (all there and accounted for)
- Drop tables being removed from the RR
- Push trackDb, tableDescriptions and, if items are searchable (not usually for Encode), hgFindSpec
- Push download files and index.html (from hgwdev to hgdownload)
- Drop download files that need to be dropped (from hgdownload)
- Drop .wib files that need to be dropped (from hgnfs1)
- If necessary edit and push ENCODE/downloads.html from hgwdev -> hgwbeta & RR
- Push cv.ra file (only if there is a matrix) (If you have changes to cv.ra, you will need to push a copy from beta to public. See RM#11601)
- Cc the data wrangler for this track on all your pushes Cc encode@soe.ucsc.edu on your final push