This page capture the things to remember after the release of UCSC Genes for the new assembly.
wiki pages about known genes
QAing UCSC Genes
UCSC Genes tables
UCSC Genes Staging Process
Announce the release
- Make an announcement on the genome-announce mailing list
- It's a longer format like this.
- Add a news item to the Genome Browser front page
- Tweet the news (Anyone in QA can do this see Facebook/Twitter Update page).
Contact various collaborators
Exon Primer Links
For human and mouse, send an email to Tim Strom ( so that he knows we are releasing a new UCSC Gene set. He will need to prepare his website for the new UCSC IDs. *Note: without an existing dbSNP track, Tim will not be able to install the ExonPrimer feature.
HGNC Links to us
For human, contact HGNC: hgnc at genenames dot org to let them know about the update. They will need to rebuild their ucsc2hgnc mappings table.
For all but sacCer and danRer, create a special file for the folks at UniProt to create their cross-references to us. Run makeUniProtFile.csh on hgwdev. This will create a file an the appropriate downloads directory, e.g.: hgwdev:/usr/local/apache/htdocs-hgdownload/goldenPath/hg19/UCSCGenes/ and then ask for a push of the file to hgdownload.
Send an email to UniProt (, notifying them of the new UCSC Genes release.
The current download URLs are:
Alert Ensembl
Notify Ensembl that there is a new UCSC Genes set: e-mail to Andy Yates <> and cc Paul Flicek <>, and Fiona Cunningham <>. They use the UCSC Gene IDs in their external reference (xref) tables. Note they also do want to be notified for rn4 even though it is not Known Genes, and they may want to be notified for assemblies with Known-Gene-like gene tracks.